Kirill Rakhman
Karlsruhe, Germany
Hi there! I'm a software developer and tech enthusiast. Take a look at my work or get in touch via Social Media.
KIT Mensa App
Android app for the KIT canteen plan
Kotlin WebExtensions API Declarations
A generator for Kotlin JS declarations for the Firefox WebExtensions API
Feedly Open Unread
Firefox & Chrome extension for opening all unread items on feedly.com in new tabs
Container Outgoing Links
Firefox extension for opening outgoing links from a container in the default container
Vue 3 Sudoku Solver
A Sudoku Solver web app written in Vue 3
Angular Split Buttons
An extension for IntelliJ IDEA and WebStorm for quickly toggling between related Angular files
- Java
- Kotlin
- Spring Boot
- Android
- Gradle
- IntelliJ IDEA
- MongoDB
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
- C#
- ASP.NET Core
- JetBrains Rider
- Typescript
- Vue.js
- Angular
- React
- WebStorm
Latest Talk
Kotlin & C# - a Comparison of Two Modern Languages
Kotlin/Everywhere Karlsruhe
Latest Blog Post
Solving Sudoku with Graph Theory
By transforming Sudoku state into a Graph representation we can find an interesting solution to what would otherwise be multiple nested loops.
Read More...2020-07-20